Immune Health Support and Throat Relief - Olive leaf and yarrow contain antioxidant properties that help support a healthy immune system, promoting defense against seasonal threats and boosting overall immune defense.
Antioxidants and Polyphenols - Rich in antioxidants and polyphenols like hydroxytyrosol, our olive leaf capsules include 700mg of Olive Leaf and Yarrow and responsibly sourced from non-irradiated and non-gmo trees.
Hydroxytyrosol Supplement & Natural Defense - Olive leaf extract, hydroxytyrosol, supports heart health by aiding in the maintenance of healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It offers natural compounds that bolster your body’s defense mechanisms, helping you stay healthy and strong.
Certifications/classifications - soy free, vegan, gluten free, dairy free, egg free, corn free. Our non-gmo olive leaf capsules are vegetarian and bioavailable for optimal absorption. No artificial colors, fillers, binders & additives.
Manufactured in usa - Family owned and operated company since 1978 organic and wildcrafted ingredients in olive leaf are carefully selected and do not contain any filler ingredients.